Wednesday 7th March
The Brusselsepoortstraat, central leg of the score, has had folk and goods pass up and down from city centre to river and port and over to Ledeberg for centuries. Now a noisy road for trams and bikes there’s the Hollainhof modern social housing complex, a monk’s cloisters, timelab, Exotica Supermarket, a Nektar producing store and the production centre of Roomer – an elderflower based aperitif based on the grandmother’s recipe of brothers Jeroen & Maarten. M tells the tale including the essential harvesting of blooms at just the right moment and the reciting of the 8 worded mantra to soothe the spirit of the elder, oh she who sits at the border of life and death. Perfect. Plus these brewing vats chant the most delicious of tones with a high frequency purr of a fluctuation. If the sound stops, the brew loses its joojoo. Our ingredients gather.