Thursday 31st October
Redesigning the shark powered synthesizer (aka the 6 hammerhead driven oscillators) for live play with Adam P. Last week’s Oto concert proved that this would be more than worth it. The curious thing is that the GOLD DRESS featured in Lappetites Fathers opera, seems to be part of the design aesthetique….
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Wednesday 23rd October
4 channel solo ‘love shark’ at Cafe Oto last night takes audiences to ….‘other dimensions !’ – ‘a really wonderful alien otherworldyness to them…’ . Gently gliding, sliding or hovering in underwater landscapes, the shark synthesizer yes has benefitted from fine tuning since Serralves solo in June. The good news is that its potential as live instrument is undeniable. To be developed.
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Thursday April 18th 2013
Installed at CAM, Gulbenkian, Lisbon and playing with an extraordinary and wide ranging sensitivity not yet experienced. Thank you all. Another fabulous install.
Until July 7th.
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Thursday November 1st
You might come out…. is installed in Edinburgh and vibrating a treat. Thank you Fruitmarket. What a fabulous team to work with!
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Wednesday 31st October
The Fruitmarket built new spaces upstairs for the semi conductor film and shark piece. I’d been worried at how effective 3 false walls would be in containing the range of frequencies and vibrations played by the sharks but all for nothing. The space sounds fantastic. Warm but alive, wooden floor making such a difference to the concrete box we were in at at the Bluecoat in April. Also without an exact cube, not sure how shark movements would perform, but they are clearer than ever. Tuning and tweaking is straightforward, the random trains from below richly contributing, and I am inspired to make new material. We have built such an instrument for shark play and the chances to use it are too rare.
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Tuesday 30th October
“Yes, wire the transducers in series Kaffe”…. On the hotline from The Fruitmarket Gallery (Edinburgh) to Dave Hunt(London) needing a memory jolt on transducer wiring for the vibrating shark platform. Adam and I arrived here last night to install ‘You might come out of the water every time singing’ in the Galapagos exhibition’s second show to date. Opening Thursday, we have two days to work the piece for this very different space.
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Monday 18th June 2012

Back at the Bluecoat, Liverpool to fine tune shark piece. I’m overwhelmed at visitor response. An A1 sketch book is full of writings and drawings from all ages. The piece seems to be inspiring such wide ranging responses. I spend an hour on the vibrating platform. Beyond pre-install excitement, the range of listening spaces it takes me through range from intense to delicate, with tilting, flying and sinking sensations real. The sublime static moments of pause too are never still. More a sense of hovering.

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Friday 4th May
The 3D installation ‘You might come out of the water every time singing’ for the Galapagos exhibition finally opens at the Bluecoat, last night. The good news is that the sympathetically vibrating shark platform more than works. Open free and daily 10am – 6pm to Sunday July 1st 2012. And every time you visit, the combination of sharks performing could be different.
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Friday 6th April
Yes my ear has been bent by a medium sized hammerhead slipping into the Tyne and chasing wild salmon up river. Easter Eggs away, the fish shall play. Joy Sunday audience at the Electron Festival, Geneva, we could be in for some fun !
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Tuesday 3rd April 2012
Ambisonic discussions with Dr Adam and Dave Hunt fly over AudRey’s good coffee. Shark progression is swift and clean cut. Between pauses we write Max patches, build speaker cradles for hanging them and send oscillator outputs twisting and pitching through space driven by hammerhead shark’s hunting paths out in the Pacific.
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